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Poll: What address should I use for the photoblog?
1 min read

Poll: What address should I use for the photoblog?

Update (2): This poll has been closed. Thanks for participating.

Update (1): Someone thought it would be funny to add oogieboogie as one of the choices. I was afraid something like that might happen and I’ve since removed the option altogether.

So, as I mentioned in the previous post, I’ll soon be debuting a photoblog here and am struggling to decide which URI convention I should use; thus, I’ve opted to let you, the reader, pick for me (as long as you pick the one I want). For what it’s worth, I’m leaning toward the sub-directory.

What address should I use for the photoblog?

  • (37%)
  • (42%)
  • You honestly think I care what address you use? (21%)
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